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Great Ark Retrieval Project

The Ark of the Covenant has been found!

Presidential Correspondence


After ten years of secret research by Dr Warner, and using the scientific method, discussions began with the

Egyptian Embassy Washington (D.C.) in September 2020, and scanning was finally approved by the Supreme Council of Antiquities in October 2022 as a precursor to excavation.

"scientific revolution...for the benefit of all humanity"

(Director of the Science Office, The Supreme Council of Antiquities)


Now only one stone block stands between ignominy and a time capsule that reveals who we are. One stone block is all that remains at the end of the southern passage, leading to the secret twin subterranean chamber,

the 'Cave of the Patriarchs', the burial tomb of Pharaoh Khufu and the resting place of the

Ark of the Covenant, which lies beneath the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

Egypt is on the brink of a new dawn - economic, religious and scientific renewal awaits.

And the long-awaited instrument of peace in the Middle East.

"Remove the block!"

Dr Warner, the Egyptian people, and the people of the world demand it. 

Notice: Confidentiality & exclusivity  agreements have been rescinded and are null & void, to allow for release to the public domain.

Celestial Phenomena

Great Pyramid Diagram - Tomb

GARP_scan00023 Framed.jpg

 Manmade structures (right-angles) can be seen beyond the stone block!

Scan by Dr Warner - Official Survey, 23rd April 2024 .

Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities, Egypt

Giza Necropolis, Egypt

©2022 Dr Warner

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